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What is the best team you can have?

Question asked by pokedude555 on
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Question for Pokemon Sapphire

What is the best team you can have? My guy is really bad and I am stuck.

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cyber_john3000 answered:

Depends on your starter

But i'll tell you what elite's 4 weakness

1st elite- Weak against Fighting types
2nd elite- weak against dark/ghost/pyschic
3rd elite- weak against fighting/fire/electric/grass
4th elite- weak against dragon/ice

Champion- Mainly weak against Fire and fighting types..

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Guest said: 5th Jul 2017 | REPORT
The best team would be
Swellow/ Salamence
Walrein/ Milotic
Guest said: 21st Aug 2017 | REPORT
Best team:

Blaziken (completely sweeps 1st, 3rd E4 members and Champion. Teach Sky Uppercut, Overheat, Blaze Kick and Mirror Move)

Crobat (Complete beast. Teach Fly, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb and Confuse Ray)

Metagross (600 Overall stats. although it can only be attained after you have beat the E4 it's worth levelling up. Teach Meteor Mash, Psychic, Return and Reflect. Otherwise Garnevior is a good substitute for something to attain earlier on in the game)

Milotic (Again probably one of the hardest pokemon to attain in the game, but an absolute gun. Teach Ice Beam, Surf, Recover and safeguard. If you can't be bothered catching a feebas and going through the process of evolving it Tentacruel is a good substitute)

Slaking (Absolute tank and can take multiple hits. Hyper Beam on this guy can completely wipe out teams due to it loafing around. Teach Hyper Beam, Slack Off, Aerial Ace and Brick Break)

Aggron (Final member. You can catch a high level Lairon on victory road and pre much e
EspeonDude_ answered:

There's no such thing as a best team, just a good team!

Guest answered:

My best team and the best team possible given the Pokemon available is:

All Lv 100

The secret is to select Pokemon with multiple types so you can cover all opponents. The attacks are also very important in selecting which Pokemon to have in your team.

steve543 answered:

My best team and the best team possible given the Pokemon available is:

All Lv 100

The secret is to select Pokemon with multiple types so you can cover all opponents. The attacks are also very important in selecting which Pokemon to have in your team.

Guest answered:

Well the team I used was

This team was very good and owned anyone I fought, hope this helped!

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pokemon1999 said: 29th Aug 2012 | REPORT
Could you rate my team i just beat team aqua and im going to catch Kyogre

Breloom 105 hp moves set : Mega Drain,Sky Uppercut,Leech seed, Bulk Up

Torkoal 102 hp moves set , Flametrower, Over Heat, Iron Defense, Strenght

Baltoy 67 hp item ( exp share ) AncientPower,Psybeam,Rock tomb, SelfDestruct

Banette 98 hp moves set : thunderbolt, Shadow Ball,
Curse, Will-O-Wisp

Alakazam 99 hp moves set : Psybeam,Recover,Calm Mind, Psychic

Pelliper, 101 hp moves set: Fly, Ice beam , Surf, Shock Wave
Could you Please help me
By: Pokemon1999
pokemon1999 said: 29th Aug 2012 | REPORT
Sorry fergot to add lvls
Breloom lvl 36
Torkoal lvl 37
Baltoy lvl 29
Banette lvl 38
Alakazam lvl 36
Pelliper lvl 37
sorry about that and plz reply me
Guest said: 18th Jul 2014 | REPORT
remove will evolve into claydol...a waste pokemon..instead add gardevoir it is surely GREAt physic pokemon..and wheres your starter...remember starters are all powerful ,,definitely remove alakazam...its is useless..try to cover all types maybe metagross will be helpful....instead of banette use dusclops
Guest said: 13th May 2017 | REPORT
Rayquaza groudon or aggron salamence garde voids reptile or blaziken metagross
Guest answered:

Well, I never use starters or legendaries because that makes it too easy lol.

1.) Slaking
2.) Ludicolo
3.) Machoke(sometimes)
4.) Camerupt
5.) Walrein
6.) Garvadior

Normally I have a Machoke or a low level decoy Pokemon to see what their first Pokemon is, sounds stupid...I know

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Guest said: 5th Apr 2017 | REPORT
My teams in Sapphire:
1. Blaziken
2. Breelom
3. Gardevoir
4. Gyarados
5. Salamence
6. Linoone
Guest answered:

Salamence-Along with metagross, it has tell highest base stats of all Pokemon in the generation, and can learn many different elemental attacks.
Metagross-Look above, and it can learn strong psychic and steel attacks, which is a useful combination.
Walrein-water and ice is resistant to several types, also is a generally powerful Pokemon with a strong learnset.
Rhydon-good attack and defence stats, and has the best learnset of all rock types in Sapphire.
Camerupt is the strongest fire type in tissue generation (non legendary)
Raichu-so much better than manectric and very strong attack.

The reason I have left out Kyogre, latias and rayquaza is that legendarys aren't allowed in several competitions.
Ps salamence has intimidate, I forgot to add that in.
Raichu and rhydon you get from evolving pikachu and rhyhorn after catching them at the safari zone.

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Guest said: 17th May 2015 | REPORT
I like it
Guest answered:

I would use these pokemon. They might not seem like much but I use them every time. There actually pretty good. 1) blaziken 2) either dusclops or gardevoir 3) crawdaunt 4) flygon 5) either altaria or medicham 6) absol

Guest answered:

My team consists of:
Blaziken:aerial ace, fire blast, blaze kick, double kick
Flygon: earthquake, crunch, dragonbreath, fire blast
Gardevior: Psychic, calm mind, double team, shadow ball
Lanturn: Surf, rain dance, thunder, hydro pump
Breloom: giga drain, sunny day, solar beam, brick break
Salamance: Dragon claw, protect, fly, iron tail

Gardevior and blaziken are the center of this team, use double tam and calm mind enough and you can compete with the best. Blaziken can handle anything else thrown at you beat the elite four at level 50 without a single one being fainted

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Guest said: 21st Jan 2017 | REPORT
My team is blaziken,gardevior,wailord,gyarados,salamence and breeloom
Guest said: 12th Apr 2017 | REPORT
My team is blaziken gardevoir flygon gyrados salamence it sweeps get all too lvl 50
Guest answered:

My team is blaziken, swellow, ludicolo, sableye, aggron, and camerupt it's goo to have lots of different types to cover all your weaknesses

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Guest said: 31st May 2014 | REPORT
my team is blaziken,shedinja,swellow,linoon(I know),ludicolo,and aggron
Guest answered:

The Ideal team mostly depends on the person and hisher favorites. This is my team

This to me would be the ideal team, also if you are wondering why I chosse Breloom, it's because Breloom is a grass and fighting type. The fighting type can help with the elite 4 and Breloom is also grass and I don't have a grass type in my team so I choose it.
If this helps this would be the ideal team with the other starters.
Blazeikin: sceptile:
Blazikin Sceptile
Gardavoir Gardavoir
Aggron Aggron
Wailord Wailord
Salamance Salamance
Cacturne Ludicolo

Guest answered:

My Pokemon team is

Muk lvl.70
Slaking lvl. 78
Torkoal lvl. 76
Salamence lvl. 63
Metagross lvl. 67
Machamp lvl.86

And I have gardevoir in level 73. Its a good Pokemon but I don't use it

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Guest said: 25th Jul 2012 | REPORT
your team sucks
SUPACHEATS said: 12th Nov 2013 | REPORT
My team so far is Blaziken, Lairon, Kyogre, Ludicolo, Shelgon, and Gardevoir. Any suggestions? For moves, new pokemon, good level for the Elite 4, or any other suggestions would be great.
Guest said: 4th Aug 2021 | REPORT
where is ur starter
Guest answered:

I beat the elite four with a level 67 blaziken, it's moves we're: sky uppercut, slash, flamethrower and something else...I can't remember but I beat them all with him fainting

Guest answered:

I used Blaziken, Walrein,Flygon,Mew,Zapdos,and Metagross

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Guest said: 28th Oct 2014 | REPORT
y do u have zapdos?

Guest answered:

I use

I didn't use any of the legends, for me it's cheating and in the series, you didn't see ash using any of the legends..Smile

Guest answered:

I used Blaziken and Kyogre both lv 100. Thats all I used lol

Guest answered:

This is My Team
But the last Pokemon I don't really know what to choose, My tides and berries are broken or I would of gotten Glalie

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psharma said: 18th Jul 2014 | REPORT
walrein is also a great pokemon
Guest answered:

I use lvl 65 Blaziken and lvl57 Kyogre... That's all you need lol. And I hav a lvl 48 Blaziken too :3

Guest answered:

I beat the rest of the
Game with a Blaziken and Kyogre that makes the game super easySmile

Guest answered:

Blaizeken,kyogre,regice,regirock,registeel,and requazia.

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Guest said: 7th Nov 2014 | REPORT
what team should you have for the pokemon leauge
Guest answered:







Guest answered:

Dustox - bug/psychics - very usefull
Migthyena - Dark - very usefull agaisnt elite 4
Peliper- High Special Attack
Camerupt- Best fire Pokemon in the game, very tanky and do very damage
Brellom - Fight/Grass - Sword Dance + Mach Punch = KO

Guest answered:

Its not the best but it did the job
I used
A lvl 80 Blaziken-Ability-BLAZE
Overheat,Sky Uppercut,Return,Blaze Kick
A lvl 75 Salamence-Ability-ROCK HEAD
Fly,Dragonbreath,Dragon Claw,Double Edge
A lvl 78 Breloom-POISON HEAL
Sky Uppercut,Dynamic Punch,Mega Drain,Mach Punch
A lvl 70 Skarmory-STURDY
Steel Wing,Swift,Arial Ace,Wing Attack
A lvl 79 Milotic-MARVLE SCALE
Water Pulse,Hydro Pump,Surf,Dive
A lvl 77 Pikachu-STATIC
Thunder,Thunderbolt,Iorn Tail,Volt Tackle

Ps- Idid'nt use legendaries because I like a good chalenge, and I did not use cheats 2 get volt tackle, it was just luck. PEACE. Im also planing on doing a Pokemon walkthrough in the next few months, try to check me out.

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SapphireKing4422 said: 9th Mar 2014 | REPORT
The only 2 things i would do is switch out dragonbreath for something else, and evovle Pikachu because rauichu can leaern hyper beam
Guest answered:

The best team is Zigzagoon (X5) and a wurmple. You could use string shot and harden and you can't lose. Make sure he is level 100 but DO NOT EVOLVE HIM He sucks when he is evolved. Just use him and the zigzagoons and you should be good. Hope that helps Smile

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Guest said: 1st Dec 2013 | REPORT
5x zigzagoon is actually awesome for the pick-up ability, rare candies all day, hohoho
Guest answered:

I usually use
And a machoke or gardevoir

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Guest said: 6th Mar 2018 | REPORT
I defeated elite 4 with these Pokemon
Sceptile : 63 level
Swellow : 60 level
Pikachu : 61 level
Crawdaunt : 58 level
Torkaol : 60 level
Glalie : 62 level
SapphireKing4422 answered:

My team is:
Combusken 26
Gyarados 21
Kirlia 22
Breloom 26
Oddish 13- deciding on
Swablue 21
This is a good setup for the early stages, and would only trade oddish. Any ideas comment it.

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Guest said: 27th May 2017 | REPORT
Don't keep the oddity since u already have a breloom. Even if you do want 2 grass types on the team catch a roselia on the route between mauville and verdanturf.
You can get a trapinch which is can evolve into flygon a ground/dragon type or aron in dewford cave which evolves into the beastly aggron. You can also get a sableye there
Guest answered:

This is the team I used for the first time I won the Pokemon league:

Blaziken ( My starter Pokemon that I've used in my team for my whole journey)
Recalinth (It's not one I particularly like, it's just it has a pretty good defence and can learn TM's surf, dive and waterfall.
Manetric (I got a Pickachu from the safari zone and evolved it into Raichu with a thunderstone and then compered them. I liked both of them but Manetric was already levels ahead and had good moves)
Machoke ( I liked it a lot and it knew good moves, especially low kick as it doesn't matter if it's a big opponent and Machoke was a low level it still did lots of damage)
Castform ( I liked it a lot and it could change types so it is good against it's opponent.)
Kryoge( It was my only ledgedery at the time and knew ice beam which was super affective against dragon-types. Plus it was the second strongest out of my whole collection of Pokemon.)

Current Team:

Blaziken- Lv 61- moves: Blaze kick, mirror move, sky uppercut, quick attack ( for fast opponents)
Rayquaza -Lv72- moves: Fly, outrage, extremespeed, rest.
Kryogre- Lv 56- moves: Rest, ice beam, hydro pump, earthquake.
Manetric ( currently wailmer as I'm trying to evolve it for the regi trio) -lv 53- moves: Thunder, thunderbolt, forgot , forgot (at moment
Recalinth ( until regi trio unloced ill probably switch.) Lv36- moves: surf, dive, waterfall, take dow
Trapinch (ready to evolve but just learning dig for regi's) Lv43 - moves: Dig, bite, sand bomb, crunch)

Pokémon I am going to get/ switch once the regi's are out of the way:

Larion ( to evolve into aggron. Also very defensive) switch with Wailmer/ Wailord,
Flygon ( to evolve from trapinch),
A flying type ,
Megatross(can learn many various moves),
And I might bring bac castform

Hope this helped

Guest answered:

Well, this is the "best" team I can come up with. Not the greatest of variety, but it sure will wipe out a lot of other teams.

Rayquaza: Outrage, HyperBeam, Fly, Extremespeed
Groudon: Earthquake, Eruption, HyperBeam, Solarbeam
Kyogre: WaterSpout, HydroPump, Thunderbolt, IceBeam
Latios: Psychic, IceBeam, Thunderbolt, Solarbeam
Regirock: AncientPower, Earthquake, HyperBeam, Curse
Blaziken: FireBlast, SkyUppercut, Earthquake, FocusPunch


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