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Sequence 2

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Rewards: Pounds: 1000, EXP: 2000, Extra: Capes - Thrifty Cloak

Challenges: 1. Air Assassinate Brewster. 2. Kill enemies with hanging barrels (5).

Sequence 2

During this second tutorial sequence you'll be in control of Evie. When you gain control of her, press down on the D-pad to whistle. When you're behind cover, this draws the attention of one nearby guard who'll come investigate. As soon as he glows red, assassinate him silently. Move up to the next and kill him either regularly or manually throw a knife at his head. The third thug up ahead is best killed with two quick thrown knifes. Keep in mind, however, that your supply of knives is limited and that you'll want to loot your enemies whenever your supply isn't maxed out.

Continue to move to the front of the train and you'll soon run into two more thugs. One of them can be assassinated instantly, the other will probably have to be defeated regularly. Proceed over the next few wagons, move past the family and defeat two more thugs on top of the wagon up front. The next wagon holds a Chest (guarded by one thug). Once you reach London in the next sequence, Chests will start counting towards the total amount found. For now, just enjoy the extra items.

Move to the far end of the train and decouple the locomotive from the rest of the train. After the scene you'll be at Croydon Station.

Wait for the group of thugs to move out of the area - good riddance. It's possible to take them all on at once, but definitely not necessary. Up ahead on the left side are a thug and a (bold) brute; on the right side is one more brute. Curve to the left and avoid the thug until you reach the brute and assassinate him. You can now move back to your starting position and approach the thug from the back to kill him. The last brute shouldn't be much of a problem either. Look for a tower-like structure just up ahead in the middle of the area and climb it all the way to the top towards the waypoint to trigger a scene. Enter Eagle Vision afterwards and mark all nearby enemies, then perform a Leap of Faith.

Stay in the haystack until the two thugs finish conversing. When they're separated, whistle (press down on the D-pad) to lure the one closest by towards you and immediately assassinate him when he glows red. Move to the other thug for a swift assassination.

On the (initial) right part of the area, spot the building with the 'Croydon Station 1860' sign and climb it. Enter Eagle Vision to spot one sole thug directly below you and two more thugs conversing underneath a bunch of hanging barrels; throw a knife at the barrels to defeat both of them and immediately assassinate the last thug directly underneath you for a swift clearing of this part of the area. Defeating enemies by dropping hanging barrels on top of them is part of an optional objective - you need to defeat five targets in total in this fashion, so three more to go.

Head to the far, far left side of the area again and mark the sole thug guarding the area. Once you've taken him out, carefully proceed further and spot two more thugs in the distance near a train. One is standing still, the other is walking by. Wait for the second to stop and stand close to the other thug so you can throw a well-aimed knife at the barrels hanging above them for another two takedowns. There's also a thug down below, slightly to the right of this position, whom you can easily Air Assassinate.

Although it's better to avoid the main/middle area, considering there are at least seven enemies around there (including two at the upper walkway), it's still a good idea to sneak a little closer and throw a knife at the hanging barrels. One of the brutes should be beneath it, finishing the optional objective. If not, there's another set of hanging barrels on the other side of this building, and a thug will regularly move underneath it (as you as you've not been discovered or anything).

In any case, there are several (better) ways to sneak into the building. For example, consider going in via the tunnels on the left side of the area (where you defeated the second batch of two thugs underneath barrels). There's a thug inside the tunnels that you can easily assassinate, and you can make your way to the top floor quite easily, snatching the contents of a Chest on the intermediate floor of the building (use Eagle Vision to spot it fairly easily). Alternatively you can just climb to the roof of this building and drop down via one of the windows. In any case, the top floor houses the prisoner. Throw a smoke bomb at the two thugs interrogating him and defeat them. Also take note of the clothes cabinet; although it's not needed at the moment, it's good to know you can hide in these.

When you're all done, continue by going outside. Defeat the nearby thug and look down to spot several thugs and brutes watching a brute and a thug fighting on a stage. You can throw a knife at the barrels hanging above them if you haven't yet completed the optional side objective. Alternatively just ignore the entire scene and head right to the middle of the train station's area (with a round shape). Defeat any thugs and brutes here, then be on your way.

Before you can continue, you'll first need to backtrack a little; follow the green marker that leads back to a building to the side of the main building. There are three to four thugs in here, one of whom has a key; he's marked yellow. Climb up and perform an Air Assassination when he's done conversing, then either take out the remaining ones or be on your way to the far end of the round area with the locomotives.

You can enter this building via the main entrance, or via a hole in the ground inbetween two locomotives, close to two conversing people. Going via the hole skips two encounters with thugs, since you're headed to the right. If you wish you can still clear the building; climbing to the upper part of the room helps you with Air Assassinations. You can find a Chest somewhere in the middle of the ground floor area, against the wall (use Eagle Vision). When you're done playing around, defeat (preferably Air Assassinate) the brute standing watch against the exit doors to the far right and go through.

Ride the elevator down. You can now purchase several skills: Double Assassination, Eagle Vision 2 and Loot Takedown are recommended options. You'll be using Double Assassination just in a moment, while Eagle Vision greatly expands its usefulness by marking enemies through walls. Loot Takedown is just convenient for speed; when you assassinate someone you don't have to loot them anymore since this is done automatically.

Sneak up on the two thugs standing with their backs turned towards you, allowing for an easy takedown, then take out the thug behind the corner. Go up the steps and perform another Double Assassination on the two thugs up ahead. Before continuing onward, turn around 180 degrees and search the back corner of this room for a Chest. (Obviously the Prima Games OSG missed this.) Continue through the sewers by hopping over the pipes until you reach David Brewster.

In the hall down below, just around the corner, you'll spot a brute down below whom you can Air Assassinate. One of the two thugs above will move away as you approach from above, so you can assassinate one of them easily. With the other out of the way, defeat the nearby brute, then assassinate the thug who walked away.

Climb the iron railing and move over the iron walls to reach higher ground. (There's a chest on the ground floor, but it's not worth your trouble.) Stay on the upper level. You can move from iron beam to iron beam until you reach David Brewster (located down below). Wait for him to move directly underneath you so he glows red, allowing for an Air Assassination. After the scene, make a run for it, moving from waypoint to waypoint. After that, simply exit the linear tunnel.

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