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On top of merely walking during a battle, there are also a number of other movements you can use while fighting foes. Should you double tap the Control Pad or D-Pad either forward or backwards, you will either dash toward or away from an opponent, either closing the gap between them or giving you all the more Space from them. If you do this while in air, you will perform what is know as an Air Dash, a much safer way to either gain or lose space with a foe. You can also perform a Jump by Holding Up and in the direction you would like to move your character in, as well as a Super Jump by Pressing Down-Right before performing a regular jump. Both can get you out of bad situations.

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  • Gameplay
  • Mechanics
  • Story Mode Walkthrough
  • Fighters
  • Stages
  • Dramatic Scenes
  • Hints & Tips
  • Conclusion
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