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Mission 15: Extraction

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As you likely noticed we have now reached the final mission in which not only will the story be wrapped up but, with any luck - and if there is justice in the world - we will have our final and deciding confrontation with Rais, who has turned out to be quite the monster!

To summarize the situation - after indulging pretty much the entire range of his sick fantasies and after either torturing survivors or having them tortured (and worse) at his orders, Rais has finally come to the conclusion that there is no future to be had, seized, or stolen here inside the Quarantined City of Harran - so he has decided that it is time for him to leave.

When he says “Time for him to leave” what he means is time for him to take the research Notes, tissue samples, and the hard work of two doctors (now both dead) and hop an evac chopper that has been dispatched by GRE in a deal that Rais worked out with them.

GRE wants the research results and samples - and they are willing to grant Rais a free ride out of town AND a massive pay-off to get them!

As for us well, we not only want to stop that from happening, we need to stop it from happening, because once the GRE has that data there will no longer be any good reason for them to bribe the powers that be NOT to bomb Haraan back to the stone age. Just saying. Vested interest and all that...

You get fair warning that past this point you have no choice but to finish what you have started - and what you have started is your final showdown with Rais!
You get fair warning that past this point you have no choice but to finish what you have started - and what you have started is your final showdown with Rais!

The Final Battle

When you reach the tower you will receive the following sincere warning:


You are about to enter the game finale.

This part of the game is played in

singleplayer and you cannot return to other

maps. You will be able to come back to

exploring Harran after finishing the game and

loading the last save.

Do you want to continue?

Okay so to repeat this in plain English - once you enter this Instance Zone you are committed to completing the story. Until you complete the story you can NOT access any of the other maps. That means The Slums, Old Town, or the Antennae Area.

But once you DO finish this - and the story - you can then use Last Save to return to Harran and complete any of the stuff you have yet to complete. That includes both single and multi-player mode play.

The Final Instance

Considering how badly he has done in facing us up to this point - I mean we cut off his hand! - you would think that the last thing Rais would want is to get anywhere near us. Well think again!

Unfortunately as we enter Rais' HQ the Harran Virus kicks in once again and we spend the first minute or so with our agility crippled.

When we walk through the door Rais starts talking crap again - and it appears that the outer defenses here is something like the Arena from before!

Now we need to deal with lots of Infected - since we are technically inside there is no good reason not to use firearms, though try to remember that unless you can find supplies inside the HQ we only have what we arrived with.

As you work your way up you get a surprise meeting - and a chance to make final peace - with yoru one real Frenemy in the world - and he warns you about the mines!  how cool is that?
As you work your way up you get a surprise meeting - and a chance to make final peace - with yoru one real Frenemy in the world - and he warns you about the mines! how cool is that?

If you are low on Medkits or other supplies you may want to take a moment to craft them before you commit yourself.

Also bear in mind that when you are exhausted by the Virus you can not use the Grapple Hook...

The first order of business as you make your way tot he sewer entrance to the HQ is to fight off the army of runners - and once you are inside the sewers be on the look-out for Volatiles as there are some in there.

If you get trapped use Zaid's Flare as that pretty much creates an instant Safe Zone from Volatiles - but ONLY from Volatiles, as the standard Infected will not be as affected by them.

Using Zaid's Flares make your way through the sewer tunnel path until you reach the gap with the ladder on the other side. Once you get past that you should be relatively sage until you emerge into the Arena area.

The Arena

When you arrive in the Arena this time things are different. For one thing you still have your kit - for another you are not really trapped there like before.

Rais taunts you via the radio/PA as you work your way up the side of the Arena. This is basic Parkour 101 here - use the edges and pipes to reach the lift level then jump into the red lift and hit the button.

As it climbs you get more Rais' taunts and some ethnic music, followed by more Infected once the lift reaches the top floor. As you make your way along the path you run into Karim - I thought he was already dead but no, we get to watch him die here. But not before he warns you that the next two floors are mined!

Jump off the edge to the trash pile on the crane below then make your way across and into the other building. Rais remarks that Karim must have warned you - he did - so we get to avoid dealing with the mines in the first building by Parkouring our way up the floors of the second one!

When it comes right down to it, Rais is a bloke who just needed killing.  No court in the land would convict you of any sort of crime let alone apply a penalty for the doing of it because it is natural justice!
When it comes right down to it, Rais is a bloke who just needed killing. No court in the land would convict you of any sort of crime let alone apply a penalty for the doing of it because it is natural justice!

Once you reach the lift shaft you have to climbe up it - while suffering random ranged attacks from the Infected that surround it on the floors outside. At the top of the lift shaft is the Crane - and now you have to climb THAT. Mind the gaps you do not want to fall here.

Once you reach the top of the crane you will be attacked by a bloke with a missile launcher. RUN to the end of the crane and jump to the far building, then climb using the yellow tiles on the outside, making your way to the concrete ledge then follow the yellow beam and make your way across to the concrete ledge on the far side.

From here you do some more Parkour jumps and climbing, until you reach the end of the next long beam and, finally, you head inside the building going up ramps and ladders until you reach the very roof, where Rais is waiting for you!

Ultimately what you hold in your hands - an extermal hard disc drive - is what all of the struggle and suffering was about.  The GRE will pay anything to get that priceless data out and, until they do, they will do anything to prevent it being destroyed!
Ultimately what you hold in your hands - an extermal hard disc drive - is what all of the struggle and suffering was about. The GRE will pay anything to get that priceless data out and, until they do, they will do anything to prevent it being destroyed!

The Rais Boss Battle

When you reach the roof Rais threatens to throw the research over the side - and then throws it AT you, which triggers a Quick-Time Boss Battle!

Here is the deal - you cannot survive any hits from him - at least not any direct hits - so what you need to do is make sure you hit the correct buttons and on time!

As long as you make the correct button presses you get to listen to Rais tell his final story as he attacks you.

I don't know about you mate but that was not how I saw him going out... Not going to ruin it for you, you should experience this for yourself.

As the helicopter arrives Crane picks up the external disc drive - and Rais attacks! Yeah, he was not as hurt as he had you believe!

So there you are, holding on to the building with one hand, and the external drive with the other. Rais orders you to hand over the disc so he can use it to secure his trip out of Haraan - and you help him to make an even faster trip because hey, you are a nice guy!

The chopper circles the building and Kyle talks to the GRE - delivering his ultimatum - they want the cure, he has it! And as long as he has it AND he is inside Harran they cannot bomb it.

As the chopper departs you get a call from Dr. Camden with good news - hey, good news for once!

As the screen fades to black you get the warning message from the operator warning you that the sun is about to go down - and it is time to find a Safe House - and then the credits roll!

If you allow the credits to run through after they finish you will receive the following notice:

Congratulations! You've defeated Rais and finished the campaign. Special

outfits unlocked! Check your Player Stash

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