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Mission 09: Higher Education

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You have delivered the word to Jade and Troy has told you where she is. Not only that but see the map on the wall? You can now fast-travel between the zones using that. Just so you know.

Talk to Savvy before you leave to flag the side-quest Radio Station.

You learn about Rais' Outposts in Old Town from one of the Ember Crew
You learn about Rais' Outposts in Old Town from one of the Ember Crew

Side-Quest: Radio Station

As you are moving around in the Tower you will get a radio call from a man who is about to turn asking you to rescue his sone.

Side-Quest: Lost in Space

We have reached a sort of cusp event here - just like when we first started playing... We are in what is, for all practical purposes, a brand new zone to us. That being the case just like when we first started playing we should make a diversion here and explore the zone, clear the Safe Zones, and flag side-quests as well as reveal any resources - and loot - that we can.

Restoring the power in all of the Old Town Safe Zones is your first priority!
Restoring the power in all of the Old Town Safe Zones is your first priority!

The Diversion

So first thing first, we should explore the map to get rid of the fog of war - something we can easily do during daylight and from roof to roof with very little risk. At each of the Safe Zones we should go ahead and clear and secure them. It may be an idea to avoid the Outposts for the moment.

For some of the Save Zones clearing the area will mean not just killing the regular infected inside but heading up to the top and killing a heavy in order to both clear the area and access the power. That can be tricky - the one thing you need to be sure of is you don't get thrown over the edge!

Air Drops - There are Air Drops in this zone - they are not marked by smoke and they are not always completely intact versions of what we found previously. That said they are TOTALLY worth getting. Most will have a small squad of Rais' Bandits at them so you will have to take them over but it is well worth it.

Heading for Jade

With all of that support activity completed we have gained another jump in levels and resources, and are now well set to continue! Heading for the University and the marker there is the first step, and when we arrive there is a guard we can talk to for a hint at where Jade is.

Inside you talk to whatshisname and learn that you missed her by not too much time. Unfortunately she did not say where she was going - though she did leave you a clue. A mirror. Man she really IS ****** at you!

Removing the Fog of War from the Old Town Map is your second priority!
Removing the Fog of War from the Old Town Map is your second priority!

Quest Markers

After you finish talking to Fidan the first time you will notice that a bunch of Side-Quest markers have appeared on the map. Talk to him again to flag the Side-Quest Rupert the Gunsmith.

Side-Quest: Rupert the Gunsmith

When Crane mentioned the silencer I nearly choked. Not that I have not been thinking the very same thing myself because hey, I HAVE... But unlike Crane I know how to make a cheap and effective one with just an oil filter and a threading bit. Oh well.

Side-Quest: Do You Believe?

A bloke called Mufid is standing by the stacks and he tells you about the loud music - which Flags this quest for us.

The objective now changes to returning to the Old Town Tower - which also has a “!” at it by the way... As we exit the University Troy calls and tells us that we need to get back to the Tower ASAP - there is something we have to see...

When we get back there talk to Noah to have a dicussion and flag a Side-Quest...

Side-Quest: Fan Zone

Noah asks you to check out the distress messages coming from the Fan Zone.

When we get to Troy she shows us a net broadcast that they finally obtained access to and it seems that the GRE has now been outed. Unfortunately it seems that the government has decided to decontaminate the Quarantine Zone - which means you and the other survivors.

Troy tells you her plan to communicate with the outside - but they are having trouble with making it happen. She is coming to you for your help - and you freak a little - but agree in the end.

That nicely wraps up this mission!

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