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Mission 05: Siblings

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After your return to the Tower and chat with the different peeps there you talk to a bloke who relates the circumstances behind the next mission - or rather foreshadows it but don't worry about that for now, instead worry about Jade, who calls you on the radio with a plan to steal Antizen from Rais.

On your way to meet her at the railroad car you get a call from a pair of strangers which Flags a Side-Quest.

During this mission you will encounter several groups of well-armed bandits - and killing them with Molotovs can earn you this prize!
During this mission you will encounter several groups of well-armed bandits - and killing them with Molotovs can earn you this prize!

Side-Quest: On the Hooks

When you arrive that triggers an extensive CS in which you basically follow Jade after she briefs you, and then as you watch Tahir kills all of his workers. Jade heads to the school and you need to find your own entrance.

When you get to the roof at the very top there are two Toads so take them out quickly, then clear out any extra Toads and infected you find on the roof proper. Beware the Bombers mates - outside AND in.

Once you get inside Jade asks you to check the classrooms, but it is pretty clear that whatever has been going on here it involves more than simply storing resources.

As you clear the school room by room you will end up taking on a squad of Rais men - and stopping an alarm. There are some loners you may encounter but what you are not doing is finding lots of Antizen.

You find the Basement Keys on a shelf in a cabinet and then as you loot your way down, hook up with Jade to discover the final stash. Which is not Antizens - but it IS a whole bunch of C4!

You send Jade to take the C4 back to the Tower while you deal with the final patrol - then you have to make your way back to safety - unfortunately when you emerge from the school no matter what time it was when you went in - or how long you spent inside - it is still NIGHT out here!

In addition to providing a Safe House to rest in at night Safe Zones ALSO provide access to your global Storage Bag!
In addition to providing a Safe House to rest in at night Safe Zones ALSO provide access to your global Storage Bag!

Jade calls you on the radio and asks what you wanted to talk about before - now all you need to do is sneak around and survive without being noticed until the Night ends.

Back at the Tower head up to the roof to chat with Rahim - who is very disappointed with your plan to do the blow up yourself. With that squared away you need to talk to Dr. Zere about his research and that odd infected.

The Doc wants you to obtain a sample of a Bolter - a FRESH sample mind you. Now bear in mind that they only come out at night... We can either wait for dark or rest until dark but either way we have to get it to be night.

Bearing in mind that in addition to the world being a more dangerous place at night, it can also be more rewarding since you get more XP at night than in the daytime.

Thanks to this girl you learn some things about Jade you would not otherwise have discovered!
Thanks to this girl you learn some things about Jade you would not otherwise have discovered!

Heading Out at Night

Chances are that this is the first time you head out in full night when the game is not slanted towards helping you survive the process. To make this easier check the marker and you will see that there is a Safe House right next to the Bolter Feeding Gorounds.

By moving to that Safe House during the day and then sleeping there to make it night you remove a major obstacle to surviving this mission - and we highly recommend it.

Another point that needs making: you already know that sound draws in infected - but at night it is doubly so. So you want to try to be as quiet as you can.

When you emerge you are prompted to use Firecrackers to lure Volatiles away from the Bolters - you could do that - or you could sneak up in the nearby feeding Bolter and then quickly kill it. Use the Firecrackers to lure the regular infected and the Volatiles away and get the sample.

Heading back at night would not be a good idea - it would be an easy way to die. Instead you should sleep at the nearby Safe Zone and then head back to the daylight.

When you reach the trailer and the Doc with the samples it turns out that the original experiment that the Doc used with the meat actually worked!

Unfortunately making use of the data that it reveals requires someone - you - to hand carry the data to the other Doc. You will have to wait while the Doc gets the files in order though.

Rahim hatches a wild plan to take down the largest nest of Infected inside the Zone...
Rahim hatches a wild plan to take down the largest nest of Infected inside the Zone...

Rahim's Peril

When you leave the trailer you get a radio call from Rahim - he and Omar tried to do the explosive mission on their own and are now in trouble. You tell Rahim to hole up in the Train Yard and then call Brecken to let him know what is going on.

Brecken is understandably ****** at you about the explosives - Jade is probably not going to be all that happy either - after all Rahim is her little brother and last living relative...

You need to rush to the marker and try to save the little idiot - which means a fast Parkour run to the last known location for Rahim - and no Rahim!

You search the dead bodies - and find Omar's body - but Rahim does not appear to be here. You contact Brecken to fill him in, and then head for the Train Yard to see if Rahim actually made it there?

When you get to the Train Yard and climb down inside the building you will find part of a Supply Drop - grab that - and a squad of Bandits. You will need to eliminate them, then search the boxcars. When you don't find him in the first building you have to check the second. Use the power box at the end to open the doors in order to leave easier.

Hooking up with Jade to make a stab at raiding the Antizen stores Rais has stashed in the School House...
Hooking up with Jade to make a stab at raiding the Antizen stores Rais has stashed in the School House...

Demolition Zone

The next building is an instanced zone - you use the door to load it and, once inside, you hear Rahim yelling at the infected who are trying to get at him!

Eliminate the zombie threat and then open the boxcar... But no! A Toad drops in! Deal with the Toad and then open the boxcar to find Rahim - but this is NOT ideal.... He thought he was going to die so he armed the bomb timer! You have to get the bomb to the site as fast as you can because the timer is ticking!

Use the sewers to get out of the Train Yard building, then run into the tower, avoiding the infected because you do not have the time it would take to deal with them. You need to get the bomb to the support column and place them, then you need to get out.

Here is the thing - under normal circumstances it is really a bad idea to use guns - but here you are inside a building with a lot of infected. You do nto have a lot of time so you may want to pull out your trusty shotgun and use it to deal with the bigger threats while quickly heading to the columns.

Using that technique you should be easily able to get the bombs placed and get out - just remember you do not have to kill ALL of the infected - just enough so you can move around without being grabbed.

As you depart the bombs blow and bring the tower down! Hey - the plan worked! Excellent!

The entrance you need is the trap door accessed via the hutch on the roof
The entrance you need is the trap door accessed via the hutch on the roof

Sadly when you return to the boxcar all enthusiastic you find that Rahim has turned... and you have no choice but to kill him. Then you go a little nuts.

You report that Rahim is dead to Brecken - and he orders you to return to base - and NOT tell Jade anything...

Heading out the door to the Train Yards exits the instanced zone.

When you reach the Tower you meet a woman who is basically bitching about her situation... After you hear her ***** you head to the marker and talk to Brecken, who is not happy about this. But as you are talking Jade overhears you and freaks running out. That ends this mission.


At some point during this mission you should unlock the following Achievements:

Pheidippides (25g) Run (move or sprint) at least 42,195m.

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