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Mission 04: Pact with Rais

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Before you head off on this mission you should probably visit the Quartermaster and merchants, sell any excess stuff, buy any resources you think you may want or need, you know, just generally get ready.

About 1 in 10 drops is a shipment of Antizen rather than the survival food and supplies packaging...
About 1 in 10 drops is a shipment of Antizen rather than the survival food and supplies packaging...

Next check the map for “!” symbols as there are some new side-quests - and to start with go talk with Alfie.

Side-Quest: Voltage

When you reach the location on the map - Rais HQ - you announce yourself and then talk to the guards. You get admitted to speak with Rais - and when you get inside you discover a pretty extensive setup. As you are entering you see a miscreant being punished, and then Rais has a chat with you...

Basically he does not really think you have much to offer him - so he tells you to do a task and then you can talk.

At this point you unlock the Achievement: My left or your left (15g) Meet with Rais.

You now need to talk to Karim to get the tasks - as you know that the only way to progress your mission for the GRE is to make this deal work.

Crane has to make a tough call after the GRE presents its alternative strategy for getting close to Rais...
Crane has to make a tough call after the GRE presents its alternative strategy for getting close to Rais...

After your chat with Karim - who wants you to turn on some microwave relay towers for him - you can take a look around this new Safe Zone that is Rais HQ.

After you leave the HQ and as you progress you check in with your GRE Controller - in the background you see another Air Drop - and hey, it is on the way!

Karim calls you on the radio and starts giving directions... So you head to the Antenna Tower only to learn that someone has scavenged the parts from the electric box there. Karim tells you to head for the next Tower - which is the one in the Safe Zone that you should already have visited before to secure.

When you get to the Antenna you'll meet some minor resistance. Loot the area of the Safe Zone to grab Collectible Nite #23 - then talk to the guys here before you work your way up the Tower.

On your way back to Rais HQ you get a radio call from another group of survivors who tell you how happy that they are for you restoring the communications.

When you talk to Rais he is not satisfied with what you have done so far - he wants more. But on the plus side he is offering two crates of Antizen. Rais tells you to go talk to Karim.

Back to Karim

Karim tells you to go and do some pickups for the crew... See to any maintenance and trading you need to do then head outside to get the marker on the map. Of course when he says Pickups what he really means is to get protection money from the other survivors!

On the way you call in to your GRE Controller - and they instruct you to cooperate and keep your mind on the goal.

When you reach the wheel station you unlock a new Safe Zone, and then you need to persuade Jaffar to pay up... Which you do in a brief CS.

At this point you have unrestricted access to the beds in Safe Zones - so if it is getting close on to night you can rest to night then rest through the night, and start out in the morning.

When you finally reach Rais' HQ you discover that the man is something of a douche...
When you finally reach Rais' HQ you discover that the man is something of a douche...

Next you need to head to the Tunnel Entrance to speak with the messenger from the Fisherman's Village. On the way you get a call from Brecken - he remind you to get Antizen...

The Courier is not at the Tunnel so you end up having to go inside - where you encounter your first Bomber. Eww!

Karim tells you to head through the Tunnel and meet the peeps at the Village - so through the Tunnel you go!

The Fisherman's Village

It seems that among other things the reason that these people pay Rais is for protection - so you protect them by clearing away the infected - and closing the gate to secure another Safe Zone.

You need to knock on a few doors to get the money - then you call in and, on the way out you have a chat with one of the survivors. He tells you that a crazy man living outside is who caused their gate to get opened and thus the infected to invade!

Side-Quest: Gas Mask Man

After you complete the side quest Gas Mask Man there is a “!” on the Notice Board at the camp for another side quest.

Side-Quest: Midnight Bride

To continue the main mission make the third pickup at the Ferry Terminal.

When you get to the Terminal you have another strong-arm conversation - as you reluctantly force them to pay up!

Karim then instructs you to return to claim your prize.

Nearby you see an “!” that leads to a journalist named Neal - you chat him up, and he tells you his story. He is convinced that he needs to get out but he has lost all of his Notes and work in a satchel at an Internet Cafe - and his camera is in a random car. He wants you to recover them for him, which Flags the Side-Quest.

Side-Quest: A Survivor's Guide to Zombieland.

Midway back to the HQ you get a call from Brecken - telling you that the need for Antizen is growin desperate. You tell him that Rais has promised two crates and he tells you to hurry. Nothing like a little pressure, right?

Shortly after that Karim calls and tells you to go look for a missing patrol - do it or no reward! *******!

As you divert to the location, dodging loads of nasty infected, you find the bodies of the patrol - and Karim tells you not to damage the bodies... Odd. Evidently they have an envelope that you need to recover.

Completing the initial meeting with Rais results in the award of an Achievement
Completing the initial meeting with Rais results in the award of an Achievement

A group of Bandits is below - they are likely who took out the patrol. But be careful - they have rifles AND grenades and they WILL kill you with them! You have to take them out carefully, then take the envelope and haul butt back to the HQ!

After you grab the envelope the guy on the Antennae who would not talk to you before starts yelling for you to come help him.

When you get there he tells you that he needs your help finding his son Christoph. He fills you in on what he wants you to do.

Side-Quest: The Prodigal Son

On the way back you will see yet another Supply Drop - this time pretty close to where you are. If you go directly there you will find BOTH of the chests full - so go ahead and grab the contents, which you can deliver to the Quartermaster back at the Tower.

When you finally return you give Karim the Blueprints and then talk to Rais, and once again instead of delivering on his promises, he tells you not. Instead of two crates he gives you five vials. Jesus!

He then tells you that if you want more you have to lure one of the Survivors from the Tower to the HQ so that they can be made to fight in the pits.

Your goal now changes to deliver Antizen to the Survivors.

On your way back you get pinged from the GRE Controller - whose attitude is that you should do whatever Rais wants. Kyle is starting to have doubts about the GRE - well yeah!

On the way back to the Tower you hear from Alfie - that they just lost gas at the Tower - and it seems the rest of the city as well.

Side-Quest: Gassed Up

When you get back to the Tower there are plenty of people to talk to...

You ask about Chrstioph from the Prodigal Son Side-Quest - he is actually well known here it seems.

The story takes you to the Fishing Village but the gates are open and the Village has been overrun by Infected!
The story takes you to the Fishing Village but the gates are open and the Village has been overrun by Infected!

When you meet with Jade - and deliver the Antizen - and it seems that the outbreak cost the entire 18th Floor.

You can hit the Quartermaster to drop the supplies and pick up your daily quota then hit the merchants on your way to talk with Brecken.

Brecken goes nuts - but it turns out that his guilt stems from his origin and lack of pride. You on the other hand are starting to discover your humanity.

After the chat with Brecken you need to head to the roof to contact the GRE. On the way you run into Rahim and he tries once again to sell his plan to you.

Once you find a safe place to contact the GRE you learn that things are not going well outside either. The GRE is having political troubles. Still they will not resume air drops of Antizen.

Jade then calls you on the radio, and tells you about a plan she has to steal Antizen from Rais. She tells you to look for her at one of the train cars.

That wraps up this mission and starts the next one!

When you try to collect the reward you earned you discover that Rais prefers Machine Gun Diplomacy - and screwing you over on the reward!
When you try to collect the reward you earned you discover that Rais prefers Machine Gun Diplomacy - and screwing you over on the reward!
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