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A few good tips hints and tips for Black

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A few good tips


Ok 1st off the basics

Fix the controls to what suits you best

Say if you play time splitters future perfect

You might like to format it like that

Now for the actual tips

1. Reload when not in combat, this is just common sense

2. Use a weapon that you get alot of ammo for

3. Use health packs sparingly, just walk over the small ones to heal yourself

4. Try the stealth aproach, hitting sum1 from behind or using a headshot is a garanteed way to save ammo and health

5. Look at your surroundings, when you are shot at quickly walk to a corner and duck down, peer around the corners taking quick pop shots

6. Save ammo by tossing a grenade, and firing a few rounds to keep the enemy over it

7. This is pretty much pointless, but if you are hear an RPG, pause the game and look around carefuly to find out where the smoke trail leads to, this gives you a perfect lead to kill the RPG

8. Try not to use the magnum to much, it may be an instant kill, but it's incredibly slow and hard to aim with

9. Use the sniper rifle when possible, it can save your self

10. Save RPG ammo for when your really need it, you can usually knock out a bunker with 1-3 well placed grenades, giving you an RPG to take care of a tougher spot

Thats all for now kids ill give you more later

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Added by: Hand Cannon
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