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How to fight Jin brothers (True ending) cheats for Fatal Fury 3

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How to fight Jin brothers (True ending)


This game follows the good/bad ending pattern , meaning you will either get the bad ending in the form of a subtext with ominous music or you will get your character's actual ending (aka "good ending") depending on how you play throughout the game , it will end in of 4 different scenarios :

Scenario 1 : fight Yamazaki as the last boss (bad ending)

Scenario 2 : reach Chonshu and get the bad ending

Scenario 3 : reach Chonshu and get the good ending

Scenario 4 : reach Chonshu , followed by Chonrei and get the good ending

Now in order to reach the Jin brothers , you must understand that your performance will be the deciding factor to make that happen , with every round you win you get a ranking which serves to evaluate your performance (go check out the rankings hint I made in Garou : Mark of the wolves) they range from E to S (A ranking has 2 higher versions : AA and AAA) several factors are concerned with the ranking : who dominated the fight the most , how much time remains , the type of moves used , etc

Now let's start with Chonshu :

You must achieve multiple top rankings (AAA or S) and as few low rankings as possible (C , D and E)

Have as a few losses as possible

(If you do the opposite and have a terrible game run then the game will end with Yamazaki and the bad ending)

Now moving on to Chonrei

Achieve multiple top rankings and never achieve a D

Fight your way up to Chonshu with no continues

And finally , there is one more crucial / important detail to keep in mind , when you reach Chonshu : the stage where you will fight him will be an indicator on which Scenario will occur because chonshu's stage has 3 different variants

Lake variant : Scenario 2

Jungle variant : Scenario 3

Infero variant : Sceanrio 4 (Chonrei incoming)

PS : like I said if you want to know more about the victory rankings check out the hint in Garou : Mark of the wolves page.

We have more cheats and tips for this game here, Fatal Fury 3 cheats

Added by: Chedy
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