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Hero Role - Carry

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The role of the Carry is often the most glorified position in DOTA 2. The task of the carry isn’t as simple as farming until they become unstoppable. Carries are crafted to be the main damage dealer as the game drags on. Thus, a carry must be efficient in both farming and fighting. It is also critical for carries to have great Map Awareness as a crucial part of the carry’s role is to avoid unnecessary deaths.

While it is expected for the carry to be the powerhouse at the end of the game, it is worth noting that no carry can single-handedly win a 1V5 battle against a strong enough team. Numbers matter in the late game and a strong carry needs its supporting cast as they ride into battle.

Carries vary in terms of skill, fighting ability, and timing. Heroes such as Antimage require a set of items before he can farm efficiently. He is also extremely mobile with his blink ability, thus giving him the ability to split push later on. However, given that he is a melee carry with average stat gain, his early game will be difficult, especially if he is focused by the enemy team. It is possible for the game to end before Antimage even comes online.

There are also carries that have specific timings. This means that they reach a power spike after obtaining specific items, but later on fall off and become less and less efficient as time passes. This is why team coordination is necessary to be able to build the team’s carry and win the game.

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