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Case #1: Escape From The Cave

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Case #1: Escape From The Cave


The Second Chapter begins with Tim and Pikachu looking for Clues in Harry's Apartment, hoping to Find something that will provide them with an answer as to what Case he was working on before mysteriously disappearing after his car crash. There isn't much in the apartment, outside of a locked cabinet. In order to find the key to open said cabinet, you will need to search the jar of candy on the shelf above the television. After opening the cabinet, Tim and Pikachu will find a map with three different marked locations. One of the locations mark is Litwick Cave, where Tim and Pikachu decide to head first.

Right as they arrive and begin exploring the Cave, Tim and Pikachu will discover a couple of people, who you will later Find out to be Emilia and Meiko, cowering from a Glalie with red eyes that suddenly began to Attack them. Just then, the next Fast Action Event will begin, with Tim having to dodge the attacks of Glalie. It will only End after you throw a rock at Glalie, stopping it from harming anyone else. However, during the attack, the cave actually caves in, trapping everyone inside of it. This provides you with your next Case objectives: discovering why Glalie suddenly Attacked while finding a way out of the cave.

After the Attack is over, Meiko and Emilia will introduce themselves to Tim and Pikachu, with Emilia having been seen in the previous chapter. Apparently, the two had come to Litwick Cave to do a Story for the GNN News Station, when Glalie suddenly Attacked them from out of nowhere. After being formally introduced, you will then begin your search for a way out. You should begin by checking on the entrance to the Cave in order to see if there is any way out. Unfortunately, you won't be able to travel too far because of how dark it is. Instead, you will first need to enlist the help of the nearby Litwick. After having them light the way, you will quickly Find that there is no possible way to make it back through the caved in entrance.

Before being able to proceed further, you will need to talk with everyone around you in hopes of finding out some answers. Meiko and Emilia won't be of too much help to you, but Meiko will Note that this isn't the first time they have been Attacked by a Pokemon when on camera. After talking to both of them, Pikachu will notice a hole in the ceiling of the Cave. Tim and Pikachu figure this could be there only way out of the cave, so the plan then becomes to Find a Pokemon within the cave that might be able to fly them out of it through said hole.

In hopes of discovering what Pokemon might be in the Cave, you will need to talk to Meiko and Emilia. Meiko won't know of any besides Litwick, but Emilia will suggest viewing the Footage on the video they were filming to see what Pokemon they might be able to Find within the cave. Unfortunately, however, the battery to the camera literally has no charge at the moment. Emilia will mention that she brought a backup battery, but it was in her bag that just so happened to be near the entrance to the cave before the Glalie Attacked them. By heading over to the entrance, you should be able to find the bag by moving and searching the smaller pile of rocks.

After return the bag to them, you will be able to watch the Footage. You will see how Glalie suddenly became enraged for no apparent reason, but you will also initially spot a flying Pokemon in the background. This Pokemon is known as Drifloon, but you quickly realize it isn't strong enough to carry anyone out of the hole in the ceiling. However, as you continue to watch the video, after seeing Glalie use its ice attacks, you will ultimately spot another flying type Pokemon. This Pokemon is the evolved form of Drifloon called Drifblim, and it should be clearly big enough to help you out of the Cave. The goal then becomes to Find Drifblim.

If you start by heading to the right, you will need to ask of Litwick for more help to light the Cave. As you progress further, you will actually come across the same Glalie that Attacked you earlier. It's normal again, which means you will be able to ask it questions. It won't be able to remember why it became enraged, but it will recall seeing Meiko and Emilia filming beforehand. Even though it is feeling better, Tim and Pikachu decide that it could use some water to continue feeling better. You will actually need to bring it some river water from the river on the far east side of the cave a Little later on.

Not too far from where you will Find Glalie, you will find another Litwick that you will need help from. As it helps light the way further, you will come across a Drifloon that is frozen solid due to Glalie's ice attacks from earlier. In order to thaw it, you will need to bring it back to the entrance of the Cave and have the two Litwick found there help you. After doing so, you will need to head back to where you originally found Drifloon. You should be able to see more Litwick from there, but they will be out of reach. Because of this, you will need to ask Drifloon if it can help you wake up the Litwick that are too far to reach.

Drifloon will agree to help, quickly waking up the two Litwick. After they are awake, they will light the rest of the Cave, revealing three different tunnels with a Noibat in front of each. Each Noibat will claim that Drifblim went into their tunnel, forcing you to ask the other Pokemon within the cave about where Drifblim went. After talking to Drifloon, Glalie and all the Litwick, you should be able to crack down which tunnel Drifblim is in by using your Case Notes. If you were paying attention to the Testimony of the Pokemon, you should be able solve that Litwick used the far left tunnel and Drifloon used the middle tunnel, which means Drifblim can be found in the far right tunnel.

After discovering Drifblim is in the far right tunnel, it will come out and you will be able to ask for its help. Unfortunately, due to there being a lack of wind in the Cave, it won't be able to help carry everyone out of the hole in the ceiling. From here, use the Litwick to the right to light the way to river mentioned earlier, nabbing that water for Glalie. After it drinks it, Glalie will want to help you get out of the cave. After this, return to the river to discover some wind coming from the far back of it. Once you have, return to Meiko and Emilia and talk to the two of them. Neither of them will know of a way to get across the river, nor will Drifblim due to the headwind. With no other option, you will need to enlist the help of Glalie in order to freeze the river.

After freezing the river with Glalie and getting over to the other side, Tim and Pikachu will discover a small amount of wind coming from a crevice in the blocked Path. Without any other option, the plan quickly becomes to Find a way to make the passageway larger in order to get more wind to come through so Drifblim will be able to carry everyone to safety. In hopes of doing this, you will need to figure out a way to make a pickax. In order to build a pickax, you will need three different materials: a rope, something long and sharp, and, finally, something to act as a handle.

The best material to use as something as the pick would happen to be a sharp rock, the same you can Find back at the entrance of the Cave near Meiko, Emilia and Drifblim. After finding it, talk to Emilia in order to have her offer to use her belt for the rope part of the pickax. Finally, you will need to find something to be used as the handle. If you head back near the entrance of the cave, you should be able to find a wooden stick that will work perfectly for this. After finding all of the materials, go into your Case Notes and Construct the pickax.

Once you have your pickax built, head back across the river and use the axe to open up more space to bring in more wind. Once you have, head back to the others and let Drifblim safely take you out of the Cave. Later on, Tim and Pikachu will be at a cafe getting Pikachu another cup of Coffee. As they get ready to leave to return to Harry's Apartment, they will again run into Mr. Baker. Once back at the apartment, Pikachu finds and shows Tim a Vial that is similar to the one found on Harry's papers. It could've come from any Lab or hospital in the local area, which makes tracking it down extremely difficult. However, with the help of the Baker Detective Agency, they learn it may have originated from a nearby laboratory called the PCL.


Small Stone

Blue Glowing Stone


River Water

Sharp Rock


Wooden Stick


Case Notes

Which Tunnel Is Drifblim In: Talk to all nearby Pokemon to discover which Cave Drifblim can be found in!

Make A Hole In A Wall: Find all the materials needed to create a pickax in order to break through the wall!

Fast Action Events

Defeat The Glalie: Press the A Button to dodge Glalie's attacks, as well as throw a rock at it.

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Table of ContentsClose
  • Basics
  • Locations
  • Characters
  • Chapter 1: Tahnti Park
  • Chapter 2: Litwick Cave
  • Chapter 3: PCL
  • Chapter 4: Cappucci Island
  • Chapter 5: Fine Park
  • Chapter 6: GNN
  • Chapter 7: Ryme Wharf
  • Chapter 8: Where R Goes
  • Chapter 9: Pokemon Carnival
  • Pika Prompts
  • How To Guides
  • The End
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