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Boss: Cyberdemon

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At the end of the Lazarus Labs you'll face the powerful Cyberdemon, a classic Doom enemy. But where the old classic Cyberdemon only had one attack (its trusty rocket launcher as arm), this one has several. Most of them are surprisingly easy to dodge. Let's go over them:

Rocket Launcher: This fires a series of rockets towards you. Simple move around to the side to dodge the rockets.

Charge: The Cyberdemon prepares this by ducking slightly and then running quickly into your direction. You can dodge it by moving to the side.

Punch: This only occurs when you get too close, so simply don't do that.

Missiles: This is a long range attack. Circles indicate where the missiles will fall, so step outside of these to avoid damage.

Energy Beam: This is a long range attack. The Cyberdemon sends a wave of fire/energy towards you. Timely jump over it to avoid damage.

Laser Beam: After taking half its health bar damage, the Cyberdemon starts using this attack. Move to one side and have the lasers lead in front of you. When the beam is charged, quickly fool the Cyberdemon by moving in the exact opposite direction, but only at the last instance.

You'll essentially need to rely on the Rocket Launcher and its lock-on feature to keep on firing bursts of three rockets to the boss. In the second phase of the fight, the Cyberdemon will often entrap you within two rock walls, limiting your movement. Use your BFG at these times to stun the creature and get some extra damage in. The Plasma Rifle also works reasonably well for stunning the Cyberdemon, especially a steady flow of Plasma to its head. During the second phase, the Cyberdemon also gets an upgraded version of the horizontal Energy Beam attack, which now comes in three waves. In order to dodge this, use the duck button to quickly lower yourself after jumping, and jump again afterwards. It takes a little time to get used to, but once you've mastered this move you can easily finish the fight.

Mission 9 - Cyberdemon
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3 comments, latest first.
Apr 12th 2017 Mboxer511
This Cyberdemon is actually EXTREMELY easy to beat. All you need is the assault rifle mod that shoots mini-rockets maxed out (so you can shoot them without reloading). You also need the "Rich get Richer" rune equipped (infinite ammo if over 75 or 100 armor).

As soon as the fight starts just unleash the mini-rockets. The quick hitting explosions will drain his life and keep the Cyberdemon stunned so he can't start any of his attack animations.

I beat the boss in about 2 minutes on my first try this way. He got maybe 2 hits on me from his laser but my armor still stayed between 75 and 100 (I had the rune upgraded so I only needed 75 armor for it to work and my armor level increased to 100 from argent cells).
ID #717099
Apr 12th 2017 Mboxer511
The room right before the Cyberdemon fight is a great place to upgrade the ammo drop rune. This is the rune that makes ammo pickups give you more ammo.

There is a check point as soon as you enter the room before the boss battle (before you open the super tall double doors) with an ammo refill box . Equip the rune, fire off all your guns ammo, then fill it back up using the ammo box. Reload the check point and repeat. You'll get about 50-100 ammo pickups each time (depending on how high your max ammo capacity is).

You can get the upgrade in about 5 minutes this way.

You could also use this strategy to upgrade the armor rune at the same time. Simply equip both runes and collect the armor that's available. If you already have full armor before entering then shoot the floor with your rocket launcher to lower your armor level.
ID #717096
Apr 12th 2017 Mboxer511
The Cyberdemon boss is actually EXTREMELY EASY. If you have the assault rifle mod that lets you shoot mini-rockets maxed out (so you can fire without reloading) and the "Rich get Richer" rune (infinite ammo if at 100 or 75 armor) then you you can just lay down mini-rockets into him.

The explosions continue to stun him, preventing him from starting any of his attack animations. I had my ruin maxed out so I only needed 75 armor to have infinite ammo. I also could have 100 ammo due to the argent cell upgrades; which was completely full due to the armor in the room right before the fight.

I beat the boss in less then a minute on my first try and got hit maybe 1 or 2 times by his laser. I still stayed above 75 armor the whole time.
ID #717093
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