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best team to defeat e-4

Question asked by spartan king on
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best team to defeat e-4

Help!! How you defeat e-4 help who are the best team

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Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough and Complete Guide
Pokemon Emerald Guide
Check out this monster of a guide to get you through every inch of Pokemon Emerald. The whole game is covered including, the Elite 4, Champion Battl..

Subleme answered:

Well in order to beat the elite 4 you just need to have strong pokemon. There isn't really a best team for it. If you have good items and Pokemon you will be able to defeat them.

I will try to help you.

First Elite Four - I recommend Bug and Fighting attacks
Second - Ghost and Dark
Third - Fighting and Electric
Four - Dragon and Ice
Five - Fire Water and Fighting

Gameboy_Angel answered:

Well the Elite 4 are meant to be the most tough and Gruelling trainers ion the Game and Tougher than ANY Gym Trainer.

Well The Elite 4 are order in Difficulty

Sidney: Dark Type Trainer
Mightyena:Level 46
Absol:Level 49
Shiftry:Level 48
Cacturne:Level 46
Crawdaunt:Level 48
Best Type Against Him: Fighting and Bug

Pheobe: Ghost Type Trainer
Dusclops: Level 48
Dusclops: Level 51
Banette: Level 49
Banette: Level 49
Sableye: Level 50
Best Type Against Her: Ghost and Dark

Glacia: Ice Trainer (But also has water types)
Glalie: Level 50
Glalie: Level 52
Sealeo: Level 50
Sealeo: Level 52
Walrein: Level 53
Best Type Against Her: Electric, Fighting, Fire (Electric is the better one because it is not effected by either Water or Ice unlike Fight and Fire)

Drake: Dragon Type Trainer
Shelgon: Level 52
Flygon: Level 53
Altaria: Level 54
Salamence: Level 55
Kingdra: Level 53
Best Type Against Him: Dragon and Ice and Rock ( Most are Flying types )

Champion Wallace: Water Type Trainer
Wailord: Level 57
Milotic: Level 58
Tenticruel: Level 55
Ludicolo: Level 56
Gyarados: Level 56
Wiscash: Level 56
Best Type Against Him: Grass, Electric, Psychic ( For Tentacruel beware because it is VERY strong)

Now My Suggest Team Would Be:

A Dragon Type ( A Salamence, Rayquaza )
A Grass Type ( A Sceptile )
A Fighting Type ( A Blaziken )
A Electric Type ( Raichu, Magneton, Electrode )
A Pokemon that knows Dark and Psychic Moves. ( Claydol )
And Your Starter.

All the types listed above are either Pokemon with those type of moves.

Try tradiong with Friends or Siblings to get some of the Pokemon mentioned.

My First Team that I beat the Elite For With On Sapphire Is:
Shelgon: Level 38
Graveler: Level 37
Swapert: Level 71
Kyogre: Level 57
Psyduck: Level 27
Swablu: Level 22

Save up your money and spend it on Full Restores, Revevies, Max Potions, Super Potions. And also try saving infront of the trainer before you battle so if you lose ytou can always Turn Your GBA off and start where you saved.

Remember this won't easy for your first time but once you beat them 3-5 times that will be you main source of training.

Well, it is for me anyway.

Good Luck!

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Guest said: 6th Mar 2015 | REPORT
Proper Way to Beat Elite Four in Emerald (Ruby and Sapphire too).

How I beat it:
Gyarados (lvl 50) {surf,return,dragon dance, earthquake}
Manetric (lvl 46) {spark, thunderwave, bite, thunder}
Blazekin (lvl 47) {double kick, blaze kick, slash, bulk up}
Skarmory (lvl 49) {spikes, fly, steel wing, Ariel ace}
Zigzagoon (lvl 10) {HM SLAVE}

Overall Strategy:
Gyarados get Dragon Dance at lvl 50. This will be your bread and butter, stack up to full attack and speed on first pokemon of every member, using full restores to keep yourself alive. Now sweep all the pokemon in one go.
The first and second trainer pose a challenge because of Mightyena’s Roar (breaks your stat stacking) and the first Dusclops on the second member has Curse. If you can successfully avoid these two roadblocks with your 3 other Pokemon, then you can beat the whole e4 with just Gyarados.
Guest answered:

First Elite 4: Use a good fighting type, like breloom, with sky uppercut.
Second Elite 4: Ghost type. Use a water type with surf, like tentacruel or wailord
Third Elite 4:Ice type.For Sealo and walrien, use thunderbolt. Glalie, use flametrower, fire blast.
Fourth elite 4: Dragon. ICE BEAM! But for kingdra, his only weakness is dragon. Got rayquaza? Use outrage
Champion:water type. Thunder if it's raining/thunderbolt for everything exept ludicolo(ariel ace/fly) and whiscash(giga drain)

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Guest said: 10th Mar 2016 | REPORT
Blaziken (slash , sky uppercut , aerial ace , blaze kick)
Milotic (water pulse , ice beam , rain dance , hydropump)
And a rayquaza hahahaha
Guest said: 20th Jul 2016 | REPORT
My team 4 the elite four is blaziken cacturne flygon mectric crawdaunt and agrron
Guest said: 9th Dec 2016 | REPORT
my team is Rayquasa breloom wailord aggron gyados and seviper
Guest said: 5th Apr 2017 | REPORT
I always just go with the Pokemon i like the most or just won't it with whoever I have with me. My current team:
Sceptile 55
Typhlosion 55
Metagross 55
Milotic 53
Flygon 52
Salamence 55
Guest answered:

I Belive This Is a Great TeamAnd I Have Beat The Elite Four With It

Salamence (Or Rayquaza)

If I Could Trade Mine Would Be

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Guest said: 1st Sep 2016 | REPORT
how did you get sceptile and swampert
Guest said: 29th Sep 2016 | REPORT
he traded
Guest said: 5th Aug 2017 | REPORT
You can beat sidney with breloom (sky uppercut), beat phobe with banette(shadow ball)beat glacia with raichu (thunder or thunderbolt), beat drake with rayquaza(outrage)beat wallace with sceptile(leaf blade)
Guest said: 7th Aug 2017 | REPORT
The elite four shouldn't be that hard. I'm doing a below 300 base stat challenge atm, team is geodude, kirlia, horsea, diglett, shroomish, and taillow. I just beat gym 8 with all at lv 40 - 42, no save states, no healing items needed.
Guest answered:

I have beat the elite 4 ten time each day.and I use only this Pokemon.
1.scraptile move(leaf blade,sunny day,solar beam,giga drain)
2.swampert move(hydropump,dive,waterfall,earthqueck)
3.blaziken move(blazekick,skyuppercut,firepunch,flamethrower)
4.aggron move(dobleedege,surf,rocksmash,irontail)
5.pikachu move(volttackle,thunder,thunderbolt,irontail)
6.dusclop move(shadowpunch,shadowball,firepunch,icepunch)

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Guest said: 12th Sep 2016 | REPORT
nope you just dont know where to go XD
Guest said: 9th Dec 2016 | REPORT
He is right I had him way before the E4
Guest said: 12th Apr 2017 | REPORT
same i used him to defeat the e4
Kyle Van Dresar said: 12th Apr 2017 | REPORT
same i used him to defeat the e4
Guest answered:

I would try a salemence a flygon an aggron and rayquaza a sceptile and lastly a swellow (make sure that your swellow is at a high level because it has very bad defence stats try to also have all your Pokemon at level 60

Guest answered:

E4 to easy with this team:

Blaziken: lv 61
Blaze kick
Sky uppercut
Fire punch

Flygon: lv 60
Fire blast
Dragon dreath
An other dragon type move

Linoone: lv 61
Head butt

Ninetails: lv 60
Fire blast
Another fire type move

Gardivor or golduck
Gardivor: lv 61
Magical leaf
Calm mind

Golduck: lv 61
Water pulse
Psy up
Zen headbutt
Hydro pump
Hope this helps

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Guest said: 14th Jan 2014 | REPORT
Just a Rayquaza will do

Guest said: 31st Jul 2015 | REPORT
lol true
Guest said: 13th May 2016 | REPORT
Yeah its true rayquaza can beat the entire elite four
Guest said: 8th Apr 2018 | REPORT
Guest answered:

Swampert, camrupt, salamance, tropios, metagross, armaldo, all atleast level 60 or above if you don't have money for revives and stuff

Guest answered:

Try to catch rayquaza because it's LEVEL 70!!!
I think you should get blazikan for your starter
Because I did and wrecked elite four easy

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Guest said: 7th Apr 2017 | REPORT
Except to wallace
Guest said: 24th Oct 2019 | REPORT
Nah swampert is the best starter
Guest answered:

Personally I like to start with swampert, then I like to get myself a gardevoir, an absol, a tropius, an aggron and finally a manectric. All of which for the elite four are trained to Atleast level 58 or above, if your lazy leave them at level 58 then buy revived and max potions with your spare cash. Tropius could be replaced with flygon, tropius is just an old favourite of mine...

Guest answered:

Sidney: I recommend Blaziken and Breloom as they are both nice fighting types.

Phoebe: Recommend Sableye as it has no weaknesses and ghost and dark moves are super-effective.

Glacia: A powerful Blaziken should take down most of them, just watch out for Walrein 's Surf

Drake: A Walrein or Glalie will deal 2-4x damage to 4 out of 5 of his Pokemon, but watch out for Flygon and Salamence 's Flamethrower.

Wallace: Sceptile and Manectric should be able to take out his Pokemon but watch out for ice moves on his Wailord, Tentacruel and Milotic.

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Guest said: 17th Oct 2012 | REPORT
i used sceptile lv72 leaf blade, leech seed,giga drain, aerial ace and camerupt lv67 eruption, earthquake,flamethrower and overheat and milotic ( i know its hard to find, but its worth it) surf, ice beam,recover,toxic slaking lv 89 moves return,earthquake,rest,sleep talk(the 2nd house where 2 old couples are arguing about hidden power and sleep talk) and heracross lv65endure,reversal,focus punch and megahorn and salamence lv 100(put too much effort into this) dragonbreath,fly,flamethrower,dragon claw easy as peanuts. kick sidney by heracross.phoebe withsalamence,glacia with camerupt,drake with salamence,wallace with sceptile. only ludicolo has nothing to do with sceptile, but sceptile has aerial ace to finish him off.
Guest said: 6th Apr 2013 | REPORT
TBH, Sableye sucks, get a Banette or Dusclops instead, they're better, or you can use an Absol, Manectric/Glalie with Crunch, or a pokemon with Shadow Ball.
Guest said: 9th Jun 2014 | REPORT
I used Shelgon, Sceptile, Manectric, Absol, Azumarill and swellow, took no damage, good game Elite Four
Guest said: 17th Dec 2016 | REPORT
Man that team is good to beat the elite four:
Sceptile lvl40
-Dragon Claw
-Leaf Blade
-Quick Attack
Rayquaza lvl72
-Over Heat
-Ice Beam
Aggron lvl45
-Iron Tail
-Water Pulse
-Rock Smash
-Aerial Ace
Shelgon lvl40
-Ember (I dont have a Flamethrower TM)
-Dragon Breath
Gardevoir lvl42
-Future Sight
-Shadow ball
Swellow lvl42
-Steel Wing
-Wing Attack
-Quick Attack
If someone see please leave a awnser
Guest answered:

I used a sceptile lv. 72 with leaf blade, slam, screech, giga drain
Pelipper lv. 65 hydro pump, aerial ace, ice beam, surf
Exploud lv. 63 hyper voice, screech, hyper beam, flamethrower
Grumpig lv. 66 bounce, psychic, mirror coat, shadow ball
Aggron lv. 63 double edge, thunderbolt, iron tail take down-----ROCK HEAD-----
Cacturne lv. 67 needle arm, spikes, toxic, focus punch

Guest answered:


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Guest said: 12th Aug 2014 | REPORT
I'd use

Breloom with sky uppercut
Swellow with fly
Raichu with thunderbolt
Minun with thunderbolt
Camerupt with flamethrower or fireblast
Marshtomp with blizzard that team is what I first won with Smile
Guest answered:

Any all round team should do
I don't know what kind of noobs these people are talking about needing your Pokemon at level 55+ to beat the e4. Lv46 plus for an all round team with a wide variety of moves should take them down easy.
Swampert/Milotic/walrein with surf and ice beam
Manectric (with Hidd pow Grass preferably)
Skarmory definitely for physical wall
Strong fire type- camerupt/ninetales/Blaziken
High Sp atk like alakazam/speed Ev'd gardevoir
Another Pokemon of your choice absol/sabelye/aggron/armaldo cradily if you want a grass type in your team/sceptile
Make sure you have a thunderbolt in there. Manectric only learns thunder at a high lv so buy one from lilycove or from 3rd gym guy who's name escapes me...
Good luck!

Guest answered:

Aggron, Heracross, Gardevoir(with calm mind it solo e4 easily), Gyarados, Salamence and Magneton. DAT TEAM IS PR0

Guest answered:

Use flygon with jolly nature and dragon claw at lv 54 I swept drake

Guest answered:

The second time I beat Emerald,(I can't remember the first time) I used Blaziken, Flygon, Salemance, Rayquaza, Wailord, and Azumarill, and they all held an item. I also bought a bunch of revives, full restores, max ethers and stuff. And with this team, I pwned the elite 4 and kicked their sorry butts over to kanto.

Guest answered:

The second time I beat Emerald,(I can't remember the first time) I used Blaziken, Flygon, Salemance, Rayquaza, Wailord, and Azumarill, and they all held an item. I also bought a bunch of revives, full restores, max ethers and stuff. And with this team, I pwned the elite 4 and kicked their sorry butts over to Kanto.

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Guest said: 14th Aug 2012 | REPORT
My team so far is
Sceptile level 49
Absol level 44
Swellow level 44
Gyrados level 43
Shelgon level 40
And I plan on adding either a ralts and raise it to gradevoir
Guest said: 13th May 2016 | REPORT
My team would be like this

Guest answered:

I myself usually like to do it with two Pokemon, the last time I did it was with
1. Lvl 60 Gardevoir-
A. Calm mind
B. Psychic
C. Shadow ball
D. Hypnosis
2. Ludicolo
A. Surf
B. Absorb
C. Rain dance
D. Ice beam

Strategy: Most Elite four start with a relatively weak Pokemon that is meant for turtling (Wailord, Shelgon, Sealio, and Dusclops (Always uses protect))
Simply put that Pokemon to sleep get 2-3 calm minds off on your gardevoir and One shot kill them with psychic or shadowball. The trick is to save EVERY ether you get until the E4. Ludicolo/anyone else is there only to take out dark types. (1st Guy and Sabelye) Kind of a cheap way but it works. Well I suppose alakazam or maybe speed boosted dusclops could work.

Guest answered:

Swampert: Surf/MuddyWater/Earthquake/IceBeam
Breloom: SkyUppercut/MachPunch/MegaDrain/Headbutt
Raichu: Slam/Thunder/Thunderbolt/ShockWave
Gardevoir: Psychic/Hypnosis/DreamEater/Confusion
Rayquaza: Fly/HyperBeam/ExtremeSpeed/Outrage
Mightyena: Bite/Crunch/RockSmash/TakeDown
This is usually my team for fighting the Elite Four the first time round on Emerald... It generally works, although it requires a lot of switching around and the Pokemon are reasonably interchangeable for others of similar types.

Guest answered:

Easy use:
Sceptile (leaf blade rapes)
Mightyena (crunch kills in 2nd battle)
Swellow (for all the grass odd balls)
Aggron (teach it dragon claw)
Gardevoir (teach it thunderbolt)
Wailord (ice and water moves)

Destroyed the e-4 all lvls 55-60

nafeedh answered:

Swellow :51:aerial ace,wing attack,steel wing,return
Toarkoal :53:heat wave,overheat,body slam,flamethrower
Sceptile :52:leaf blade,giga drain,dragon claw,solarbeam
Corpfish :50{do not evolve it}crabhammer,bubblebeam,ice beam,blizzard
Donphan :51:earthquack,hyper beam,take down,rool out
Pikachu :54:brick break,thunder,thunder bolt,volt tackle {to get volt tackle give the female pikachu to hold it and later on breed it with a male pikachu or a ditto}

nafeedh answered:

Sceptile : {level52} leaf blade,giga drain,dragon claw,solarbeam
Toarkoal : {level53} heat wave,overheat,body slam,flamethrower
Donphan : {level51} earthquack,roolout,take down,hyper beam
Pikachu : {level54} brick break,thunder,thunder bolt,volt tackle
Swellow : {level51} aerial ace,stell wing,wing attack,return
Corphish : {level50} crabhammer,bubblebeam,ice beam,blizzard

nafeedh answered:

Delcatty :double edge,uproar,faint attack,covet :55
Blaziken :blaze kick,slash,sky uppercut,mirror move :59
Sharpedo :slash,skull bash,hydro pump,ice beam :56
Seaking :horn drill,hydro pump,psybeam,horn attack :57
Bellosom :giga drain,petal dance,solarbeam,toxix :56
Crobat :poison fang,wing attack,sludge bomb,stell wing :56

You must at least have 15 max potion

Hope this helps bye!

nafeedh answered:

Dusclops :shadow punch,pshcic,night shade,curse {55}
Shiftry :extrageonary,nature power,brick breack,shadow ball{55}
Mudkip :earthquack,muddy water,takedown,ice beam {55}
Psyduck :hydro pump,confusion,water pluse,focus punch {55}
Sableye :shadow ball,faint attack,nightshade,thief {55}
Cacturne :gigadrain,solarbeam,needle arm,faint attack {55}

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Guest said: 13th Aug 2015 | REPORT
cacturne needs sunny day
Guest answered:

I used
Machoke lv50
With any strong fighting move (Sidney)
Mighteyena lv51
With crunch (Phoebe)
Ninetailes lv55
With flamethrower (Glacia's Glailes)
Sceptile lv100
With leaf blade (Glacia's sealeos and Wallaces Pokemon)
Dragon claw (Drake)
And I had a Kadabra (lv58) and Pelipper (lv62) for back up

2RandAmGuys answered:

Don't buy full restores, buy lava cookies instead, they are 3x cheaper and do the same thing, the only downside is that you have to buy them one by one...

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2RandAmGuys said: 19th Feb 2013 | REPORT
*full heal
Guest answered:

The best team are blaziken,cacturn and gyarados

Guest answered:

This is for Emerald:

This team was made to beat the elite 4, NOT for competitive battling, that's why there is mostly attack moves, with a few support moves.[/color]

Heracross , Salamence , Manectric , Glalie , Ludicolo and Claydol .

Type : Water/Grass
Trait : Swift Swim - Doubles the speed in Rain.
Rain Dance - Simply here to activate his Swift Swim trait.
Ice Beam - Covers flying types.
Giga Drain - STAB
Surf - STAB

Type : Bug/Fighting
Trait : Guts - Ups ATTACK if suffering
Megahorn - STAB
Brick Break - STAB
Substitute/Endure - Substitute is for the simple reason of Focus Punch, and Endure is if I meet flying types.
Reversal/Focus Punch - STAB

Type : Dragon/Flying
Trait : Intimidate - Upon Salamence's Entry in Battle, all opponent's Attacks are lowered.
Dragon Claw - STAB
Flamethrower - Ice coverage.
Fly - STAB
Crunch - Was just a powerful move he learns through level up, and it can help take down the 2nd trainer in the E4.

Type : Electric
Trait : Static - Paralyzes on contact.
Thunderbolt - STAB
Crunch - I have it here for the Ghost types.
Thunder Wave - For Paralyzing and gives Manectric the help to attack first.
Quick Attack - To finish pokemons.

Type : Psychic/Ground
Trait : Levitate - Not hit by Ground attacks.
Earthquake - STAB
Psychic - STAB
Shadow Ball For the 2nd trainer in the E4.
Psybeam - Had nothing to put here.

Type : Ice
Trait : Inner Focus - Prevents Flinching
Ice Beam - STAB and for Drake (Dragon), 4th trainer in E4.
Crunch - For Ghost and Psychic types + 2nd trainer in the E4.
Headbutt/Filler - Had nothing to put here, so I just put Headbutt on mine.
Water Pulse - Fire coverage

1st trainer: Heracross - Heracross will use Brick Break and Megahorn on his Pokemon, as all of them is Dark type Brick Break will do LOTS of damage, while Megahorn is there to take down his Cacturne.

2nd trainer: Manectric,Glalieand Claydol - Manectric and Glalie have Crunch to take down those Ghost types, while Claydol has Shadow Ball.

3rd Trainer (Ice): Manectric and Salamence - Manectric with Thunderbolt for Sealeo's and Walrein, while using Salamence with Flamethrower for the Glalie's.

4th Trainer (Dragon): Salamence, Ludicolo and Glalie - Glalie /Ludicolo's Ice Beam is taking most of them down, except for his Kingdra, which Salamence with Dragon Claw will finish off.

Last Trainer (Water): Manectric, Heracross and Ludicolo - Manectric with Thunderbolt on most water types, except Ludicolo and Whiscash. Heracross uses his Megahorn to take down Ludicolo and my Ludicolo uses Giga Drain for his Whiscash.

Guest answered:

It is too easy. I literally took the whole elite 4 down with my Rayquaza and a bunch of revives, max revives, and hyper potions

Guest answered:

I beat E-4 only with Latias LvL 100 Using Phsycic, Mist Ball and aerial ace. With some elixir

Guest answered:

My team -

Blaziken - lvl 55
Moves - bulk up brick break blaze kick mirror move
Dodrio - lvl 53
Moves - double team drill peck tri attack hyper beam
Xatu - lvl 53
Moves - psychic shadow ball fly calm mind
Sharpedo - lvl 53
Moves - crunch ice beam surf earthquake
Aggron - lvl 49
Moves - iron tail dragon claw double edge blizzard
Vileplume - lvl 51
Moves - petal dance giga drain sludge bomb sleep powder

Sidney - Blaziken gets the job done . First use bulk up against his first Pokemon , try and get two if you can . After that , proceed to use brick break , which should O.K.O. All his team

Phoebe - Crunch from sharpedo should do a lot of damage if not O.K.O. Her team . Also try using xatu's shadow ball but watch out for shadow ball , shadow punch and ice beam . Also try using blaziken with bulk up and mirror move their shadow balls , since ghost does physical damage .

Glacia - The same old Blaziken bulk up strat works best . Also try using vileplume's giga drain / petal dance against her water/ice types.

Drake - Aggron and sharpedo do well against drake , with sharpedo's ice beam doing 4x or 2x super effective damage you'll do well . Just watch out for kingdra . If you are going to use aggron stick with blizzard or dragon claw depending who you are facing . Just watch out for Salamence's flamethrower , kingdra's surf as well as Flygon's Eeathquake .


Wallace - Try using Vileplume and just spam petal dance as it will do major damage . For the weaker defensive pokemons like tentacruel and ludicolo , use dodrio's drill peck or tri attack . Finally use hyper beam to try and O.K.O his milotic . However try to weaken it first !

Hope it helps Smile

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Guest said: 27th Jun 2014 | REPORT
I thought the champ was Steven with steel types Wallace...isn't he the last gym leader?
Guest said: 27th May 2015 | REPORT
In Emerald Wallace is the champ, in Ruby/Sapphire it's Steven.
SuperAltaria69 answered:

I bet the Elite 4 easily , here's my team .

Blaziken lvl 55
Xatu lvl 53
Dodrio lvl 51
Aggron lvl 49
Sharpedo lvl 51
Vileplume lvl 51

Guest answered:

I beat the elite four with rayquaza and my lvl 60 sceptile

Guest answered:

I would use an
Aggron : as they can take and deal lots of damage
Flygon : for dragon and ludicolo
Brelloom : bug and fighting and deals soo much damage
Shiftry : dark and grass for 2nd elite 4 but only evolve nuzleaf at 47
Swampert or regi-ice : for ice moves to help on dragon
Xatu or claydol : any physic will do but these also are good at dark and ghost

These Pokemon you can all get before defeating elite 4 and are rather easy to get and train
Not many revives or potions are needed if you train well and to a high lvl with good moves and strategys

Guest answered:

After a lot of diligent research I have a very simple answer. The best team of Pokemon (not counting Legendaries) to use to beat the Elite Four is Salamance and Gengar , that's it!


Salamance has the highest Attack statistic and can learn the moveset required (I'm not counting Slaking because of his ability which means he only attacks every second turn).
The moveset for Salamance is:
- Crunch
- Dragon Claw
- Brick Break
- Not relevant

Gengar has the highest Special Attack statistic that can learn the moveset required.
The moveset for Gengar is:
- Thunderbolt
- Sludge Bomb
- Giga Drain
- Not relevant

1st is Sidney (Dark)
Fighting moves are Super Effective against Dark type Pokemon.
Give Salamance the Macho Brace to hold and use Brick Break to OHKO all of his Pokemon.

2nd is Pheobe (Ghost)
Dark moves are Super Effective against Ghost type Pokemon.
Give Salamance the Black Glasses to hold and use Crunch to OHKO all of her Pokemon.

3rd is Glacia (Ice)
Fighting moves are Super Effective against Ice type Pokemon.
Give Salamance the Macho Brace to hold and use Brick Break to OHKO all of her Pokemon.

4th is Drake (Dragon)
Dragon type moves are Super Effective against Dragon type Pokemon.
Give Salamance a hold item to boost Dragon type moves and use Dragon Claw to OHKO all of his Pokemon.

Lastly, you face the Champion, Wallace (Water)
Here you will need Gengar.
To OHKO his Whiscash use Giga Drain.
To OHKO his Lucidolo use Sludge Bomb.
The rest of his Pokemon you can OHKO using Thunderbolt.

- I tested this using Level 70 Pokemon and it was more than enough.
- I did not care about my Pokemon's type weakness' because I was OHKO-ing everything and what is fainted can not hurt you.
- I only used the strongest moves of the type required that have 100% accuracy to make surethat the OHKO worked.

Guest answered:

Also have decent levelled pokemon. I used
Minun lvl 57
Breloom lvl 53
Swellow lvl 59
Raichu lvl 51
Camerupt lvl 52
Marshtomp lvl 61

Save money to buy medicine and find as many ethers and elixirs as you can. Locations of all the ethers and elixirs should be on bulbapedia. Raise your Pokemon to lvl 50 to 55 and save in front of all e4 members.

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Guest said: 28th Mar 2016 | REPORT
Blaziken, Milotic, Lantern, Bellossom, Skarmory
Guest answered:


Guest answered:

This is my current dream team:

Grass type
Jolly Nature

Swords Dance (learns at Battle Frontier)
Dragon Claw*
Leaf Blade

Psychic type
Modest Nature

Calm mind

Steel/Rock type
Rock Head
+Def -Sp.Atk (forgot what it was called) nature

Rock Tomb (Low accuracy but strategic with it being STAB and lowering speed every time) / Rock Slide (learns at Battle Frontier much better accuracy and better power)
Double Edge
Dragon Claw*

Water/Flying type
Lonely/Naughty Nature

Dragon Dance
-Insert Move of preference-

Dragon/Flying type
Adamant Nature

Dragon Claw*
Crunch/Fire Blast

Grass/Water type
Rain Dish
+Sp.Def -Atk (forgot nature)

Rain dance
Giga Drain
Ice Beam


Bug/Fighting type
Adamant Nature

Bulk up
Brick Break

Normal/Flying type
Jolly nature

Steel wing
Aerial Ace
Quick Attack

Water/Dark type
Adamant/Jolly Nature


*These moves are TMs and can only be used once but can be reproduced by means of the cloning glitch in the Battle Tower after the main playthrough search it up and you'll understand. Let a Pokemon hold TM Earthquake or TM Dragon Claw and clone them to make another TM.

Guest answered:

This is my current dream team:

Grass type
Jolly Nature

Swords Dance (learns at Battle Frontier)
Dragon Claw*
Leaf Blade

Psychic type
Modest Nature

Calm mind

Steel/Rock type
Rock Head
+Def -Sp.Atk (forgot what it was called) nature

Rock Tomb (Low accuracy but strategic with it being STAB and lowering speed every time) / Rock Slide (learns at Battle Frontier much better accuracy and better power)
Double Edge
Dragon Claw*

Water/Flying type
Lonely/Naughty Nature

Dragon Dance
-Insert Move of preference-

Dragon/Flying type
Adamant Nature

Dragon Claw*
Crunch/Fire Blast

Grass/Water type
Rain Dish
+Sp.Def -Atk (forgot nature)

Rain dance
Giga Drain
Ice Beam


Bug/Fighting type
Adamant Nature

Bulk up
Brick Break

Normal/Flying type
Jolly nature

Steel wing
Aerial Ace
Quick Attack

Water/Dark type
Adamant/Jolly Nature


*These moves are TMs and can only be used once but can be reproduced by means of the cloning glitch in the Battle Tower after the main playthrough search it up and you'll understand. Let a Pokemon hold TM Earthquake or TM Dragon Claw and clone them to make another TM.

Guest answered:

I was on my emulator and did some research into the effectiveness of each type for each Elite Four and came out with the perfect team with the most effective learnset. Before you read on I did use a Rayquaza but why wouldn't you if you had one?

Lv 52 Machoke - Revenge, Cross Chop, Vital Throw, Karate Chop (Holding Quick Claw)
Lv 54 Sableye - Shadow Ball, Detect, Faint Attack, Confuse Ray
Lv 59 Salamence - Protect, Headbutt, Dragonbreath, Flamethrower
Lv 59 Glalie - Ice Beam, Blizzard, Protect, Crunch (Holding Nevermeltice)
Lv 61 Manectric - Shock Wave, Strength, Thunder, Thunderbolt
Lv 70+ Rayquaza - Fly, Thunder, Extremespeed, Outrage (I only used Outrage)

Sidney - Dark is weak to fighting, so that's why I chose Machoke. When he sends Mightyena and Absole out use preferably Cross Chop for a high hit but 80 accuracy or Reversal for a decent hit (& as Machoke is quite slow so the Mightyena/Absol might hit first so it does more damage) and 100% accuracy.

For Shiftry and Cacturne, use Salamence and his Flamethrower.

For Crawdaunt use Manectric and his Thunderbolt.

Pheobe - Ghost is weak to Ghost and Dark... And what Pokemon is Ghost AND Dark? Sableye! His dark type negates the super effectiveness of Ghost and makes it 1x damage giving it a great advantage against The Dusclops and Banette's! Use his Faint Attack and Shadow Ball and maybe Detect if you want.

I took out Sableye with my Rayquaza but you can still take him out with Sableye if you want.

Glacia - Ice is weak to fire, right? But Sealeo and Walrein's water type negate the super effectiveness of those moves! You can use Salamence's Flamethrower for Glalies, and Manectrics Electric type moves for the others as it is super effective! Yay

Drake - Dragon Type. As hard as it may look, it really isn't. Use Glalie's Ice beam for Shelgon, also for Flygon, Altaria and Salamence (maybe Blizzard) for 4X DAMAGE! (Mind out for the Flamethrowers though, they hurt).

But Kingdra is left! Use Salamence's Dragonbreath on him. Easy.

Wallace - Water Type. Easy huh? Yes. Manectric is great against them. When he sends out Wailord try for a Thunder. One Hit KO. For Gyarados use Thunderbolt for 4x Damage. Tentacruel might be a problem but he's a two hit KO. Watch out for poisoning.

For Whiscash I used Rayquaza's Outrage to take him out because he's part of my team. That's the only downside for this Elite for team.

Milotic was easily taken out with a Thunder.

I was worried that one Pokemon might faint and collapse the whole structure of this team, but they didn't. The training was the hardest part imo.

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Guest said: 26th Jul 2015 | REPORT
Blaziken if you train him enough can beat the elite four alone...
n liopij said: 28th Mar 2016 | REPORT
Christ the guy who wrote this book about his pokemon team is a sad fukcing wierdo
Guest said: 15th Apr 2017 | REPORT
How to beat tate and liza setan
Guest answered:






Guest answered:

I use elite 4 to gain exp and I think two pokemons are enough.
This is what I actually used for my first elite 4 battle.
1. Blaziken (slash, blazekick, skyuppercut, ember) level 62
2. Rayquaza (outrage, any, any, any) level 70
I didn't need the others.
You might want to increase the PP of skyuppercut and blazekick as the ghost pokemons are a pain.

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PokemonproTrainer21 said: 31st Jul 2016 | REPORT
My team:
Get this guys and elite 4 not gonna be a problem!
Guest answered:

Heracross - Brick Break lvl. 23, Megahorn lvl. 53, Earthquake (TM), Toxic (TM)

Sceptile - Leaf Blade, Dragon Claw (TM), Giga Drain (pre-evolution)/(TM), Iron Tail(TM)

Sharpedo - Crunch lvl. 22, Surf (TM), Ice Beam (TM), Skull Bash lvl. 48

Guest answered:

Try this:
Swampert Lv. 61

Altaria Lv. 55
-Dragon Breath
-Dragon Dance
-Perish Song
-Sky Attack

Aggron Lv. 55
-Metal Sound

Manectric Lv. 57

Dusclops lv. 58
-Shadow Punch
-Future Sight

Alakazam Lv. 55
-Light Screen

Hope it helps I beat them with this so it should do good Smile

Guest answered:

I have a team

1 e4 member- heracross a bug fighting type you can find in safari or breloom if it's to hard.

2nd- absol mightyena also a option but absol is better even tho mightyena has crunch all dark type moves where speacial back then and mightyena has bad spec attak

3rd- manteric or keep using heracross or breloom.

4th salamance or flygon or galie

5th- blaziken if you have macargo wailord well and Pokemon with fir water and fighting in it's typing and have the attack



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